- Hyesun, Shin (2015).
The impact of Consumer Emtoion and Psychological Reactance under Stockouts in Online Fashion Store.
Master's degree thesis
- Hee Jin, Hur (2015).
Fashion Product for Self-gift: Self-gift motivation effect. Master's degree thesis
- Hyo Jeong, Kang (2015).
The Effect of Flattering Fitting room Enviroment on Purchasing behavior. Master's degree thesis
- Hye-In Jung (2014).
The Impact of Fashion Store Crowding and Physical Attractiveness of Other Customer on Emotional and Behavioral
Response. Master's degree thesis
- Hyunjin, Kwon (2014).
The Effect of Boredom on Clothing Disposal Behavior. Master's degree thesis
- Gahoi, Kim (2014).
The Effect of Mobile Location-based Fashion Advertising on Consumer Response. Master's degree thesis
- Beibei, Chen (2014).
The Effect of Korean media content consumption on attitudes and purchase intentions toward Korean fashion
prouducts of Chinese young women. Master's degree thesis.
- Habin, Kim (2013).
The Effects of Social Clue on Purchase Intention in Social Commerce. Master's degree thesis
- Do Yuon, Kim (2013).
Switching Intention of Fashion Product Consumers in Department Store -Mediating Role of Commitment.
Master's degree thesis
- Minah, An (2012).
Influence on Bad Customer Behavior on Justice Perception toward Fashion Store . Master's degree thesis